Thursday, September 10, 2009

It just doesn't get any better then this....

Last month we were lucky enough to have 20 or so photographers (and friends) fly into Denver from all over the US and Australia. We spent the weekend trekking the kiddos (and a ridiculous amount of camera gear) ALL OVER the mile high city!

My shoulders still hurt ever time I look at my camera bag... LOL!
But I can honestly say that I have not had that much fun in a very long time... and Denver will probably never be the same after the Pea-parazzi were let loose.

This was our version of a Shoot-out in Downtown Denver. These are the Canon girls (from left to right: Jami, Amy, Jenn, Jannet, Amanda, Heather, Farrah and Rachel).

And the Nikon girls on the other side courtesy of Amy at Picture This- (from left to right: Melissa, Barbie, Anne, Me, Brenda, Tracie, Ciara- yes that is a tiny little Nikon, Danielle and Brenda's son).

Not pictured are: Gina- who was our lone ranger Sony Shooter and Shanna who was still sleping off her eventful trip from Australia to the US.

Believe it or not I'm STILL trying to finish editing pictures. Apparently SOMEONE got a little trigger happy (we won't point fingers) and came home with well over 1,000 pictures. And then that same someone turned around a did it all over again the next weekend.
La... de... dah... Who? Me?
I know... I know... I need a twelve step program...

But, since I'm not one to leave people hangin' I do have a few to share that were taken by some of the other amazingly talented ladies I got to hang out with.

We started the day at Chatsfield Park taking pictures of the kiddos.
Here are two of Little Miss Sassy Pants that I took. Can you believe the attitude on this one? I have no idea where she gets it....

Jami with Life in Moments Photography ( caught this fabulous picture of me with Ciara. I'm usually behind the camera so I don't get very many pictures with me in them and this one is just FANTASTIC! Thank you so much, Jami for being super-sneaky and fast on the trigger.

And she got this one of me in action. LOL!

There are about a ba-zillion more that I'll post later once I've had a few weeks to do nothing but chain myself to the computer and photoshop but, for now that's all I got.

Now for the super-fun part!
Guess who can still fit into her Wedding Dress after almost 8 years of marriage and one child??? You got it! THIS GIRL!!!! WOO-HOO!
(okay... so maybe I did have to liquid diet it for a few days to drop a pound or two... I'll admit it. But still... not too shabby after all these years!)

So... this is what we call a TTD Shoot or Trash the Dress.
Basically I put on my Wedding Dress and.....

....... JUMPED IN A LAKE!!! Seriously....

I'm sure the guys in the boat across the lake thought I was a total nut job for destroying my Wedding Dress but, it's not like I'm gonna wear it again. Right?
(Don't worry mom.... no Wedding Dresses were harmed in the making of these photographs. I'm 96.7% sure that it will be good as new after a trip to the cleaners.)

Now to give credit where credit is due.
The above pictures were taken by:
Becky with Thru Becky's Lens (
Barbie with Life Style Images (
And, ofcourse, Jami again.
If you have a minute check out their websites. They are all amazing photographers.

And here's what the other side looked like. Here is everyone doin' their thing while I was in the water. We must have been quite a spectacle.

Believe it or not... this is only half of Day 1! After we finished up the TTD the guys in the boat got a bit of a peep show while I changes out of the soaking wet dress (and I thought that thing was heavy when it's dry... they basically had to haul me out of the water and I had to strip down right there on the shore). Then we went back to the Hotel and showered since we all smelled like stinky lake water and then headed downtown.

I'll save those pictures for another day.
But I will say this... that night we had reservations at the Cheesecake Factory and I totally ate Cheesecake for dinner!!!!
What??? I had a few pounds to gain back. It's not like I have to get back into my Wedding Dress any time soon! LOL!

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